2011-2012两年间对莱芜地区桃小食心虫成虫田间消长规律进行系统调查,发现该虫在莱芜地区一年可发生1~2代,越冬代成虫的发生受5月份降水量的影响,降水量影响成虫羽化高峰期的出现时间以及持续时间。用35%氯虫苯甲酰胺水分散粒剂8 500倍液,12%高效氯氰菊酯·毒死蜱水乳剂5 000倍液,2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯微乳剂3 000倍液,20%毒死蜱微囊悬浮剂1 000倍液喷施防治效果均可达到80%以上,可在果园中推荐使用。
During the two years of 2011-2012, the field investigation on the growth and decline of adult Momordicales in Laiwu was conducted systematically and found that the occurrence of the insect in the Laiwu area could occur 1-2 generations a year. The occurrence of overwintering generation adults was affected by the precipitation in May and the precipitation Occurrence and duration of adult eclosion peak. With 35% chlorambucil water dispersible granules 8 500 times, 12% beta-cypermethrin · chlorpyrifos water emulsion 5000 times, 2.5% lambda-cyhalothrin microemulsion 3000 times, 20% chlorpyrifos microcapsules Suspension 1000 times spray control effect can reach more than 80%, can be recommended in the orchard.