Example 1. Male, March, hospitalized for cough and wheezing for 2 days without previous history. Children wilted, wheezing significantly, three concave sign positive, significant lung wheeze two lungs, heart no abnormalities, given oxygen, antispasmodic, asthma and other comprehensive treatment. On the second day of admission, children still cough and asthma obviously, wilting, bloating and convulsion 2 times. Check blood calcium 9mg / dl, serum sodium 120mEq / L. Bronchiolitis diagnosed with hyponatremia. In the original treatment based on the application of isotonic sodium solution to correct hyponatremia, no recurrence of convulsions, 12 days hospitalized were discharged. Example 2. Female, 11 years old. Due to cough and asthma 4 days admitted, no previous history of similar. Physical examination: Shen Wei, nose flap, wheezing, three concave Zheng Yang