,Volume warrants for major and minor roads left-turning traffic lanes at unsignalized T-intersection

来源 :交通运输工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libowen1
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The most common type of intersection improvement considered in Ghana is signalization.However,other actions such as the installation of left-tu lanes have been proven to improve the efficiency and safety of an intersection without the need for signalization in the short term.Warrants which guide the installation of such lanes in Ghana are adopted from elsewhere and as a result do not reflect local traffic flow conditions.This study established volume warrants based on a delay threshold to guide the installation of left-tu lanes at unsignalized T-intersections using VISSIM micro simulation tool.The VISSIM model was calibrated using traffic flow,delay,average and maximum queue length data obtained from a two-hour video recording of the case study intersection during the moing peak period.After calibration,several scenarios covering a wide range of operational conditions were simulated.Using level of service (LOS) C cut off point of 25 s/veh as the maximum acceptable delay to minor road left-tuing traffic,an equation y =-0.57x +1091 has been developed which predicts the minor road left-tum volume threshold (y) above which a minor road left-tum lane may be considered and below which a minor road left-tu lane may not be necessary for a range of major road volumes (x).The critical delay to major road left-tuing traffic was found to be 16 s/veh.Major road left-tu lane volume warrants were also determined based on this threshold delay value.The approach used in this study can serve as a guide that can be used by metropolitan and municipal road engineers to assess the need for left-tu lanes.
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