据不完全统计,今年上半年1—6月份,经审批的技术进出口合同有247项,合同总金额达21.57亿美元。其中,技术引进合同有177项,合同总金额16.21亿美元,与去年同期相比较,合同数量下降了5%(93年上半年为185项),合同金额下降了51%(93年上半年为32.89亿美元)。技术出口合同有70项,合同总金额为5.36亿美元,技术出口的合同数量比去年同期增加了一倍(93年上半年为35项),合同总金额减少了60%(93年上半年为13.39亿美元)。 今年上半年的技术引进合同按国别地区统计,涉及到20个国家和地区,其中合同总金额超过一亿美元的国家依次有德国、意大利、加拿大和日本。合同总金额超过一千万美元的国家有10个。
According to incomplete statistics, from January to June of the first half of this year, there were 247 technical import and export contracts that were approved, and the total contract value was 2.157 billion U.S. dollars. Among them, there were 177 technology import contracts and the total contract value was 1.621 billion U.S. dollars. Compared with the same period of last year, the number of contracts decreased by 5% (185 in the first half of 1993), and the contract value decreased by 51%. $3.289 billion). There are 70 technology export contracts and the total contract value is US$ 536 million. The number of technical export contracts has doubled from the same period of last year (35 in the first half of 1993), and the total amount of contracts has decreased by 60%. 13.39 billion U.S. dollars). In the first half of the year, the technology import contract was counted by country-by-country statistics, involving 20 countries and regions, of which countries with contracts totaling more than US$100 million were Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan. There are 10 countries with a total contract value of over 10 million U.S. dollars.