行政法性质的反思与概念的重构——访中国法学会行政法研究会总干事 北京大学副校长罗豪才教授

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学术的历史乃是现象的概念化与概念的规范化、思维模式的培育与变革、方法论的探索与创新的历史。概念是思维的基本单位,如果人们不在同一意义上使用概念,就失去了对话的基础;概念是科学大厦的砖石,没有规范的、严谨的概念,科学大厦,即便能建成的话,也势必塌毁于一旦。针对我国行政法学中概念与理论体系的混乱,本刊特发表对素有理论关怀并以平衡论的倡导者而称著学界的罗豪才教授的访谈录,以期引发学界普遍的理论兴趣与反省的、批判的精神。学术之发展与繁荣,舍此精神复何有为? Academic history is the conceptualization and conceptualization of phenomena, the cultivation and transformation of thinking modes, the exploration and creation of methodological history. Concept is the basic unit of thinking. If people do not use the concept in the same sense, they lose the basis of dialogue. The concept is the masonry of the science building. Without a normative and rigorous concept, the science building will collapse even if it can be built Destroyed once. In view of the confusion of concept and theoretical system in administrative law of our country, we published interviews with Prof. Luo Haocai, who has always been a theoretical advocate and advocate of balance theory, in order to arouse the academic interest and introspection. Critical spirit. Academic development and prosperity, give up this spirit complex what is there?