
来源 :金田 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiwei
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竹园是我曾祖父开垦的,在老家的屋后。在过去许多个春风吹拂的日子里,我经常听到竹子抽枝拔节的声响,尤其是在那些寂静的夜晚,或带有星月,或是细雨霏霏,竹笋们用顽强旺盛的生命力,从土中拱破被落叶覆盖的泥土,茁壮成长。而后与林中其他成林的竹子一样,随风摇曳,摇成一种乡村风景,摇着岁月,覆盖起家族的往事。有人说,屋后有竹,是家族兴旺的象征。村中也有人说,正因为有这一亩竹园,沈娘才赖以生存。祖父曾对我说过,我的曾祖母,是在某年农历正月十六被曾祖父从她娘家背回来的,她一手拎着一个梳妆盒, Chuk Yuen is my great-grandfather reclamation, in the back of the home. In the past many spring breeze days, I often hear the sound of bamboo sticks, especially in those quiet nights, or with the moon and the moon, or drizzle began, bamboo shoots with tenacious vitality, from Soil broken arch soil covered by leaves, thrive. And then with other forests in the forest into the same bamboo, swaying the wind, rock into a rural landscape, shake the years, covering the family’s past. Some people say that there are bamboo houses, is a symbol of family prosperity. Some people say that in the village, it is precisely because of this mu bamboo garden, Shen Nongcai rely on to survive. My grandfather once said to me that my great-grandmother had been brought back from her mother home on the 16th day of the first lunar month by a great-grandfather, carrying a vanity box in one hand,
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80多岁的老太太赖斯,一个人住在美国纽约一条简陋巷子的老宅子里,丈夫早在20多年前就去世了。或许是对逝去丈夫的思念,也或是为了打发多余的时光,20多年里,她养成了一个特别怪异的嗜好——动不动就翻出丈夫的遗物,或擦拭他的遗像,一遍又一遍,这一折腾下来,就是大半天。  那天,正好是一个阴雨天,外面下着密密麻麻的小雨,赖斯坐不住了,又忙着去翻动丈夫的遗物。让她恼火的是丈夫生前用过的一只手套,被可恶的老鼠
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