
来源 :文学教育(下) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kalagou
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教育的真谛是爱,教育的最终目的是促进学生的最优化发展,作为班主任,让我们都伸出双手,拿出全部的爱,学会倾听孩子,学会信任孩子,和孩子做真正的朋友,扶好我们的孩子们走出人生第一步,把和谐德育理念升华,和同学们一起去享受成长的幸福、快乐!一、倾听学生的声音为人师者,特别是班主任,要做到为人师表,爱护和关心学生,以自己的洁言洁行和高尚品德去感化学生,逐步在学生的心目中树立起威信,赢得学生的信赖和尊重。 The true meaning of education is love. The ultimate goal of education is to promote the optimal development of students. As a teacher in charge, let us all reach out to each other, take out all our love, learn to listen to children, learn to trust children, and children become true friends. Good Our children out of the first step in life, the concept of harmonious moral education sublimation, and students to enjoy the growth of happiness, happy! First, listen to the voice of the students as teachers, especially the class teacher, to be a teacher, love And concern for students, with their own cleanliness and noble morality to influence students, and gradually establish the prestige in the minds of students, to win the trust and respect of students.
<正> 国外许多管理者都把企业文化看作是企业获取成功的第一因素。随着国内近年来对中国的企业文化及特点的研究和探索
本论文对从大戟科植物中分离的二萜类天然产物的合成进展作了简要综述,同时对大戟科二萜pepluanol B进行了全合成研究,首次完成了其消旋与不对称全合成。全文共包含如下三章: