中国近代历史 ,一方面记载着帝国主义与封建势力相结合 ,中国沦为半殖民地半封建的过程 ,另一方面又记载着中国人民为救亡图存而进行的不屈不挠、前赴后继的斗争业绩。一部近代史昭示给我们 ,中国屡遭帝国主义侵略而终未亡国 ,历经战乱磨难而终未分裂 ,靠的就是中国人民的爱国主义精神与强大的民族凝聚力。国难当头 ,各阶级各阶层聚拢在爱国主义的旗帜下 ,为中华民族的命运、前途英勇抗争。最后走上了社会主义道路 ,走上了强国之路。一部中国近代史给我们的启示是多方面的 ,我们要把握其发展脉络 ,了解它的框架 ,运用近代史进行国情教育 ,弘扬爱国主义精神 ,突出爱国主义主题。形成推动建设小康社会的宏伟力量。
On the one hand, China’s modern history records the combination of imperialism and feudalism, the demise of China into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal process, and on the other hand chronicles the indomitable and persistent struggle performance of the Chinese people in their survival. A recent history has shown us that China has finally survived the aggression of the imperialists and has finally not split itself through the hardships of war. It is because of the patriotic spirit and strong national cohesion of the Chinese people. In the wake of the national crisis, all walks of life in all walks of life gathered under the banner of patriotism and bravely fought for the destiny and future of the Chinese nation. Finally embarked on the road to socialism, embarked on a road to power. A modern Chinese history gives us some enlightenment. We must grasp its development context, understand its framework, use the modern history to educate the national conditions, promote the spirit of patriotism and highlight the theme of patriotism. Form the grand power to promote the building of a well-to-do society.