《老子》也叫《道德经》,只有五千多字,却包括了自然哲学、人生哲学、宇宙论、人生论、认识论、养生论,政治论、军事论等深广的内容。是两千多年来注家最多、解说不一,争论最多的古典名著。也是世界上各种文字翻译最多的中国书籍。 在浩如烟海的中国古籍中,注家之多,首推《老子》。元朝大德乙已年(公元1305年),天师张与才在杜道坚《道德经原旨》序中说:“道德八十一章,注者三千家”。这个数字今天已难确考。明代焦竑《老子翼、附录》中记载了唐代杜光庭笺注《老子》六十余家的书名。宋代董(卜回辶)作《广川藏书志》,发现十四种注本不著录于新旧唐书艺文志。他指出:“志所著录犹有未尽,惜乎名存而书亡者,十盖八,九也!”历史上见于著录的注本在宋代已十有八、九散失。而未曾著录却早已亡佚的又不知有多少。保守一些估计,古代注解《老子》的至少一千
Lao Tzu, also known as the Tao Te Ching, contains more than 5,000 words but covers a wide range of topics, such as natural philosophy, philosophy of life, cosmology, life theory, epistemology, health promotion theory, political theory and military theory. It is the classic masterpiece that has the most comments, the most controversy and the most controversies over more than two thousand years. It is also the most widely translated Chinese book in the world. In the voluminous Chinese ancient books, as many notes home, devaluation “Lao Tzu.” Yuan Dynasty Dade B has years (AD 1305), Heavenly Master Zhang Yucai in Du Daojian “morality through the original” sequence said: “moral eighty-one chapter, note the 3000.” This figure is hard to test today. In the Ming dynasty, “Lao Tzu Wings, Appendix” recorded the titles of more than 60 titles of “Lao Zi” written by Du Guangting in the Tang Dynasty. Song Dong (Bu Hui 辶) as “Guangchuan collection of books” and found that fourteen kinds of notes are not recorded in the old and the new Tang Shu Yi Wen Zhi. He pointed out: “There are still many books written in the history of Chihiro, but there are still many books in the book, including eight books and nine books.” Historically, note books written in the records have been dismissed in the Song Dynasty. But never been recorded but long lost and I do not know how many. Some conservative estimates, the ancient annotation “I” at least one thousand