在葡萄 浆果成 熟期,干红 酒用葡 萄品种果 枝主梢 叶片的 净光 合速 率随 着叶 片着 生节 位的升高而 增加;副 梢叶片的 光合速 率大于 主 梢叶 片; 赤霞 珠 品种 夏芽 副 梢与 冬芽 副 梢叶 片光 合 速率基本相 同;具单 果穗或双 果穗果 枝叶片的 光合速 率在不同 的酒用葡 萄品种 上表现不 一。
During the ripening stage of grape berry, the net photosynthetic rate of the main shoot leaves of the grape varieties increased with the increase of the internode position of the grape varieties. The photosynthetic rate of the shoots of the shoots was higher than that of the shoots of the main shoots. The photosynthetic rate of the shoots of the secondary shoots and the shoots of the winter shoots were basically the same. The photosynthetic rate of the leaves with single or double fruit berries differed on different varieties of grape cultivars.