我们从 1 989年 8月~ 1 998年 8月 ,试用四物回阳饮加减治疗排尿性晕厥 1 2例 ,取得满意效果 ,现报道如下。1 临床资料 本组 1 2例均为男性 ,年龄 30~ 6 3岁 ,病程6个月~ 5年。晕厥均发生于排尿过程或刚完毕 ,其中于夜间排尿时发作 1 1例 ,白天、夜间排尿时均有发作 1例
From August 1,989 to August, 998, we tried to treat 12 cases of micturition syncope with Siwu Huiyang Decoction in order to obtain satisfactory results. The results are as follows. 1 clinical data in this group of 12 patients were all male, aged 30 to 63 years old, duration of 6 months to 5 years. All cases of syncope occurred during or immediately after urination, including 11 cases of urination during the night and 1 case of urination during the day and night.