目的评价控释地诺前列酮阴道栓用于延期妊娠引产的妊娠结果。方法选择60例因延期妊娠引产的孕妇,随机分为试验组(控释地诺前列酮组)和对照组(催产素组),主要结果的衡量标准是24 h内阴道分娩率及新生儿出生结果。两组计数资料比较分析采用Ridit检验,计量资料采用χ2检验。同时测定孕妇使用后的阴道栓内残余地诺前列酮的含量,进一步分析引产结果与使用地诺前列酮之间的量效关系。结果试验组24 h内阴道分娩率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),两组新生儿的出生结果没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。地诺前列酮的释放量与放置时间呈指数关系。结论延期妊娠引产使用控释地诺前列酮阴道栓能取得更好的引产结果,但延长阴道栓的放置时间并不能明显改善引产结果。
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the pregnancy outcome of controlled-release dinoprostone vaginal suppository for delaying pregnancy induced labor. Methods Sixty pregnant women induced by delayed pregnancy were randomly divided into experimental group (controlled release dinoprostone group) and control group (oxytocin group). The main outcome measures were the rate of vaginal delivery within 24 h and the birth of newborns result. Comparison of two groups of count data using Ridit test, measurement data using χ2 test. The content of residual dinoprostone in the vaginal suppository after pregnant women was also determined, and the dose-effect relationship between induction of labor and dirprostadil was further analyzed. Results The vaginal delivery rate within 24 hours in experimental group was significantly higher than that in control group (P <0.05). There was no significant difference in newborn birth rate between two groups (P> 0.05). The amount of dinoprostone released was exponentially related to the time of placement. Conclusion Delayed pregnancy induced labor using controlled release dinoprostone vaginal suppository can get better induction of labor, but to extend the placement of vaginal plug time does not significantly improve the induction of labor.