目的 分析紧张性头痛患儿的个性、行为及家庭环境的特点。方法 采用艾森克个性问卷 (儿童用 ) (EPQ-J) ,Rut-ter儿童行为问卷 (父母用 ) ,及家庭环境量表对 5 0例紧张性头痛患儿进行调查 ,并与 5 0名相匹配的健康儿童比较。结果 头痛组患儿的个性特征内向和神经质倾向 ,行为问题发生率高 ,家庭环境特点为情感表达、娱乐性等量表分较低 ,而矛盾性 ,控制性等量表分较高。结论 紧张性头痛的发生、发展与患儿的个性 ,行为特征及家庭环境因素关系密切
Objective To analyze the personality, behavior and family environment characteristics of children with tension-induced headache. Methods A total of 50 children with tension-induced headache were investigated using the EPQ-J questionnaire (EPQ-J), the Rut-ter children’s behavioral questionnaire (for parents) and the family environment scale Matched healthy children compared. Results In the headache group, personality traits were introverted and neuroticism, the incidence of behavioral problems was high, the family environment was characterized by emotional expression, the entertaining equivalent was lower, and the contradiction and control were higher. Conclusion The occurrence and development of tension headache are closely related to the personality, behavioral characteristics and family environment of children