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长篇小说《请问芳名》(君名)出版于1951年,描写日本投降前夕,一对青年男女在一次空袭中邂逅,相约半年后在一座桥上再见。到期男的去了,女的却没来,原来她已嫁人。小说以这一对男女青年悲欢离合的故事为主线,穿插写了战后沦为捡破烂的少将,铤而走险的走私犯,因生活所逼的夜女郎,被美军抛弃的混血儿等众多人物.生动地再现了战后初期日本社会形形色色的景象.被喻为“战后日本社会的万花筒”。这部小说,曾作为广播系列剧在电台播出,从1952年4月一直播到1954年4月,在日本轰动一时,同时,还由柳井隆雄改编成电影剧本,拍成了电影系列片.因此它的影响更大。当时日本许多年轻姑娘,都竞相仿效影片女主角围长围巾的款式,其影响由此可见一斑。现在来看,尽管这部作品还存在着社会原因挖掘不够深,某些情节的安排不够自然等不足之处,但是仍不失为一部较好地反映了日本战后初期生活的现实主义作品,值得加以介绍。由于这部电影剧本的篇幅较长,现先译载它的上集。同时积极进行争取译出下集的准备工作。但为使读者能及时了解下集的故事发展,特将下集详细的故事梗概,附在本剧本之后先行刊出,以飨读者。 The novel “May I ask Fang name” (Jun name) was published in 1951, depicting the eve of Japan’s surrender, a young man and woman met in an air raid, similar to six months after a bridge bye. Expired men go, the woman did not come, so she had married. The novel takes the story of the joys and sorrows of young men and women as the main thread, interspersed with many characters such as the night girl forced by life and the half-breed thrown out by the U.S. armed forces after the war, After the war, all sorts of scenes of Japanese society were described as “the kaleidoscope of Japanese society after the war.” The novel, which was broadcast on the radio as a radio series and has been airing from April 1952 to April 1954, has made a big splash in Japan. At the same time, it was adapted into a screenplay by Longji Nagai and made into a film series. So it has a bigger impact. At that time many young girls in Japan, are competing to follow the movie actress Wai long scarf style, its impact is evident. For now, although there are still some shortcomings such as insufficient excavation of social causes and some unnatural plot arrangements, this piece of work is still a realist piece that better reflects Japan’s post-war life. To be introduced. Because of the length of the screenplay, it is now uploaded. At the same time, actively preparing for the translation of the next set. However, in order to enable readers to keep abreast of the story development of the next episode, the detailed synopsis of the next episode will be given out in the first place to appeare readers.
基蒂·凯利是美国专写内幕新闻的老手,《华盛顿邮报》记者。以文笔犀利、直言不讳著称。今年4月由西蒙和舒斯特出版公司出版的《南希·里根》(Nancy Regan:An Unauthorized B
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《恋心迷惘》(A Coeur Perdu)是法国“绿松石”丛书中的第六十一部爱情小说,作为袖珍本于1980年出版。小说通过女主人公弗洛兰丝的爱情瓜葛,反映出在“金钱至上”的社会里,为
科幻文学作家比所有其他人更加关注航天,这是因为,科幻面对人类的未来,而航天技术属于未来。 早在科幻文学发展的萌芽时期,航天技术就已经成为科幻作品中的主要主题。公元16