在我国东北,每当阳春三月,天气乍暖还寒,冰凉花就已盛开在残冰融雪之中了。在阔叶林下和林缘,在山坡草地上,一片片的娇黄花朵在冰雪的衬托下,显得格外艳丽夺目,难怪有人称它为“东北的雪莲”。冰凉花又名顶冰花、福寿草,学名为侧金盏花(Adonis amurensis),属毛莨科侧金盏花属。分布于我国的辽宁、吉林、黑龙江东部以及朝鲜、日本、苏联远东地区。在我国每年3月中旬至4月初便陆续开花。冰凉花的花单生于茎顶,花径3—4厘米,最大可达6厘米以上,碗状,常为昼开夜闭。花萼数枚,灰绿色,与花瓣等长,花瓣多数(10枚
In northeastern China, whenever the spring March, the weather turns warm and cold again, and the blooming flowers are already blooming in the residual ice and snow. In the broadleaf forest and the edge of the forest, on the hillside meadow, a piece of charming yellow flowers against the backdrop of snow, it is particularly gorgeous, no wonder some call it “snow lotus in the northeast.” Ice flowers, also known as the top Binghua, Fukushima, scientific name for the calendula (Adonis amurensis), is a Ranunculaceae Calendula species. Distributed in China’s Liaoning, Jilin, eastern Heilongjiang and North Korea, Japan, the Soviet Union Far-East. In China from mid-March to early April will have flowering. The flower of the cold flower is born in the top of the stem, the flower diameter is 3-4 centimeters, the biggest is up to 6 centimeters above, the bowl-shaped, often opens the night to open at daylight. Calyx several, gray-green, with petals as long, the majority of petals (10