蚂蝗(Hirudo sp.)亦叫水蛭,嗜吸人、畜血液,积极研究消灭蚂蝗的办法具有直接支援农业的意义。作者就杀灭蚂蝗一题,从1960年开始到1963年止,先后进行了室内与田间的初步研究。现将结果整理报导如下:材料与方法1.室内试验(1)蚂蝗的选择根据蚂蝗听水响和嗜吸血液的特点,用浸猪血的草鞋打水引诱方法采集大小各龄蚂蝗,用原来稻田水放养玻缸中,置于室外隐蔽潮湿的地方,二天后淘汰其自然死亡的蚂蝗,选择生活力良好者供作试验,至于其种类,因为先后试验次数多,供用数量大,所以未能每次鉴定到种,但一般来说,定海、普
Hirudo sp. Also known as leeches, addicts, animal blood, actively studying the elimination of leeches has the direct meaning of supporting agriculture. The author to kill a locust problem, from 1960 to 1963, has conducted a preliminary study of indoor and field. Now the results are arranged as follows: Materials and methods 1. Laboratory tests (1) the choice of leeches According to leech listening to water ring and the characteristics of addicted to blood absorption, soaked with pig’s blood straw sucking method to collect the size of each age leech locust , With the original water storage ponds in paddy water, outdoor shelter humid place, two days after the elimination of their natural death of leeches, select a good viability for testing, as its kind, because the number of trials, for a large number , So failed to identify each species, but in general, Dinghai, Cape