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美国哲学家约翰·密尔曾说过:“在压抑的思想环境下,禁锢的课堂氛围是不可能产生创造性的火花的。”美术教育就是以愉悦学生的感受和使其积极体验、参与为出发点,以提高学生审美意识为目的的基础素质教育。作为教师,除了教学生学习知识以外,还要有意识地培养他们乐观的品质,让他们对学习和生活充满自信。为了使学生能充分领悟美术的无穷魅力,我认为在美术教学中,可以从以下几方面引导学生快乐地参与各项美术活动: John Mill, an American philosopher, once said: “Under a depressed ideological environment, it is impossible to create a creative spark in a confined classroom environment.” Art education is based on pleasing students and making them actively experience and participate As a starting point, in order to improve students aesthetic awareness for the purpose of basic quality education. As a teacher, in addition to teaching students to learn knowledge, they should be consciously cultivating their optimistic qualities so that they will feel confident in their studies and life. In order to enable students to fully understand the charm of art, I think in the art teaching, students can be guided from the following aspects to participate in various art activities happily: