开好一个会 抓好七个到位

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徐州市贾汪区大吴镇瓦店村,在开展村务公开、民主管理方面,注重实效,坚持开好一个会,抓好七个到位,取得明显成效。一、开好一个会“一会”即村民代表大会。该村按5%的比例,选举代表,按季召开村民代表大会(若有重大事项也可随时召开)。会前,村里召开村干部座谈会、党员大会、民主理财成员会、村民议事会等,广泛征求意见。会中,首先由村主任带领大家学习有关政策文件,分管的负责人分别报告财务收支、计划生育、土地管理、供电管理、村办企业、治安等情况。然后,将代表划分9个小组,分头讨论,并将讨论结果归类,在大会集中时由村干部逐一答复,重大事项经代表表决。会后,把开会时的录音、录像,利用早、晚进行播放。村民高兴地说:这样的会开得好,我们愿听,也愿讲。 Wadian Village, Dawu Town, Jiawang District, Xuzhou City, has paid close attention to actual results in carrying out village affairs affairs openly and democratically and insisted on holding a good meeting for a good grasp of the seven places and achieved remarkable results. First, a good start “a meeting ” that is the villager congress. The village by 5% of the proportion of elected representatives, held quarterly villagers congress (if there are major issues can be held at any time). Before the meeting, the village held village cadres forum, party members, members of the democratic financial management, village council, etc., for extensive solicitation of opinions. During the meeting, the village chief first led the students to study the relevant policy documents, and the responsible persons in charge of the reports reported financial revenues and expenditures, family planning, land management, power supply management, village-owned enterprises and public order and security respectively. Then, the delegates will be divided into nine groups to discuss separately and classify the results of the discussions. When the assembly is concentrated, the cadres will reply one by one and major issues will be voted on by the representatives. After the meeting, the meeting of the recording, video, the use of early, late to play. The villagers said happily: Such a meeting will be conducted well, and we would like to hear and would like to say.
胸腹闭合伤致右膈疝误诊2例杨捷庆,陈婉贞例1:女,38岁。1988年5月3日因拖拉机撞伤1小时来诊。查体:T36.9℃,P96次/分,R22次/分,BP12/6.4kPa。深昏迷;左侧瞳孔散大,光反应迟钝;右侧肢体轻瘫;右肺呼吸音减弱;腹肌紧张,肠鸣... P
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