各位代表、同志们: 经过大家的共同努力,中国铁道学会第四届会员代表大会就要圆满结束了。这次大会,审议通过了三届理事会工作报告,修改并审议通过了铁道学会新的章程,选举产生了新的第四届理事会,表彰了一批先进单位、先进集体和先进个人,听取了华茂昆总工程师的学术报告。代表们对当前形势和学会的工作展开了热烈的讨论,提出了许多很好的建议。我们开了一个民主、求实、团结、奋进的大会,开了一个继往开来的大会,开了一个向21世纪进军的动员大会。
Dear Delegates, Comrades, After the concerted efforts of all of you, the Fourth Congress of the China Railway Society will be completed successfully. The meeting examined and approved the report of the work of the three councils, revised and considered and approved the new constitution of the Institute of Railway, elected the fourth new council of the fourth session, commended a batch of advanced units, advanced collectives and advanced individuals for hearing and Huamao Kun chief engineer’s academic report. The delegates held heated discussions on the current situation and the work of the Institute and put forward many good suggestions. We have opened a convention that is democratic, truth-seeking, united and progressive, opened a convention that is open to the future and opened a mobilization meeting to march into the 21st century.