1991年我们在广东省开平县大沙河水库鱼苗场进行了2.5~2.7厘米斑点叉尾(鱼回)鱼苗直接放入池塘培育的试验。试验时间为63天,在单独投喂我们研制的“明珠牌”斑点叉尾(鱼回)鱼苗专用饲料的情况下,取得了成活率为80.32%,个体平均重达27.78克的良好成绩。现将试验总结如下。1 试验鱼1991年5月25日从广东省新兴县州背联合鱼苗场购回斑点叉尾(鱼回)鱼苗20260尾,全长范围为2.5~2.7厘米。2 试验池塘面积2.8亩,水深1.1米,排灌水方便,可通过水管从水库直接引水入塘,1991年4月29日用
In 1991, we conducted a test of 2.5 to 2.7 cm catfish (fish back) fry directly into the pond nursery at the Dashahe Reservoir fish farm in Kaiping County, Guangdong Province. The experiment was carried out for 63 days. With the special feeding of the “Mingzhu” brand catfish fish fry we developed, we achieved a good result of a survival rate of 80.32% and an average weight of 27.78 grams. The test is summarized as follows. 1 Test fish Twenty-two thousand six hundred and sixty-six (60) fish of Forktail (fish back) were purchased back from the united state fish fry farm in Xinxing County, Guangdong Province on May 25, 1991, covering a total length of 2.5-2.7 cm. 2 Experimental pond area of 2.8 acres, 1.1 meters deep, irrigation and drainage convenience, direct water from the reservoir through the water into the pond, April 29, 1991 with