瓜类列当,或称埃及列当(Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.).俗名“凶不雅”、“凶辈”(维吾尔族),“格音依尔哈”(锡伯族),“疼暴客”(回族),“瓜丁”(汉族)。在植物分类学上,是属于列当科(Orobanhaceae)列当属(Orobanche)的寄生性种子植物。瓜类列当,在我国到目前为止,仅知在新疆普遍严重发生,是新疆名产哈密瓜历史性的大敌,生产上急待解决的老问題. 瓜类列当的研究,国內外报导的不多,研究报导较多的,多为向日葵列当和大麻列当(Orobanche ramosa L.)等。阿富汗植物病理学专家萨·穆罕默德·阿历克賽(1940
The melons are listed as Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers. The common names are “fierce indecent”, “fierce generation” (Uygur), “Gyllenhaal” (Xibe) (Hui), “Guading” (Han). In plant taxonomy, it is a parasitic seed plant belonging to the genus Orobanche of Orobanhaceae. In my country so far, only known to occur in Xinjiang in general, is a historic enemy of the birthplace of Hami melon in Xinjiang, the production of the urgent need to solve the old problems. Much research report more often, and for the column of sunflower marijuana (Orobanche ramosa L.) and so on. Afghan Plant Pathology Specialist Sa Muhammad Alexei (1940