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药补不如食补,药膳不一定非有药不可。 我国古代医学家张景岳提出:“人应春温之气以养肝,以夏热之气养恼,以长夏之气养脾胃,以秋凉之气养心,以冬藏之气养肾”。这里的“养”即是滋补的意思。也就是说春天阳气上升肝火旺盛,又因春天万物复苏人们的进食量增大,消化食物、分解油脂都需要肝脏来间接完成,所以肝脏负担加重,需要滋补。到了夏季,天气炎热,心脏跳动加快,同时也是滋补脾、胃的季节。在滋补过程中不但要采以“脏”补脏的验方,而且还要增补莲子、藕、猴头、苦瓜等辅助原料,用于养心、健脾、解暑。到了秋季,空气干燥,气温逐渐凉爽,肺的负担又在加重,应适时适当以“肺”补肺。从中医脏象学中得知,肾属阴,遇寒冷其功能受损而减退,从而影响肝胆等其它器官。补肾的原料不仅是猪腰,而且可以增加其他动物的肾及枸杞、韭菜、蛤蛎等贝类补肾壮阳之物。 Drugs than tonic, not necessarily non-medicated medicine. Zhang Jingyue, an ancient Chinese medical scientist, put forward: “People should adopt the warmth of spring to support the liver, take the heat of the summer heat, and keep the spleen and stomach in the long summer. Here’s ”support“ is nourishing the meaning. In other words, the spring yang is strong, and because of the increase of all people’s food intake in the spring, digestion of food and decomposition of oil requires the liver to be indirectly completed. Therefore, the liver burden is heavier and needs nourishment. In the summer, the weather is hot, the heart beat faster, but also nourishing the spleen and stomach of the season. In the process of nourishing not only to adopt ”dirty" to fill the dirty prescription, but also to add lotus seeds, lotus root, Hericium, bitter gourd and other auxiliary materials for nourishing the heart, spleen, Jiesa. In the autumn, the air is dry, the temperature is gradually cool, and the burden on the lungs is aggravating again. Learn from the dirty viscera medicine, renal genital Yin, in case of cold impaired and reduced function, thus affecting hepatobiliary and other organs. Bushen raw materials not only pork loin, but also increase other animals kidney and Chinese wolfberry, chives, clams and other shellfish kidney impotence of things.
作为一个美容师,当你为自己的美容院选购化妆品时,你是不是也这样想? 1.粉底的粉质越细越好? 错。粉质细小的粉底虽然使用感较好,但过细的粉末很容易进入皮肤毛孔,阻滞皮脂
(一)“五香者何?” “五香”,是个常见常用的烹饪名词,诸如“五香豆”、“五香瓜子”、“五香豆腐干”、“五香酱牛肉”……但“五香”的具体词意如何呢?历来说法不一。人们
背上背着屋,顶上顶着角,屋是一个壳,角是两条肉。 这个有趣的谜语,人们只要稍加思索便能猜出谜底——蜗牛。 说起蜗牛,可以说相当多数的国人会想起安徒生笔下那个生性懒惰、
黎女士是一名长期佩戴假牙托的病人,上个月黎女士万般无奈地接受了舌头全切除手术才得以保住性命。为她主刀的医生说,几年前戴假牙托的黎女士开始觉得不舒服, 但一直没到医院