上初二的时候,减负终于轰轰烈烈地在我们学校展开了。 首先,周六的课取消了,全校学生为此欢呼了好一阵。可惜好景不长,我们只过了一个周六,就因学校最终舍不得我们离开后留下空空的教室,于是乎,发动全体教职工,从学校教师,到食堂,到学校小卖部,以至于连打扫厕所的大叔的利益,都计算我们一天不到校的损失。学校的体贴着想,最终感动了所有教职工。一时间,全校上下,除学生外,大家万众一心,想尽一切办法要把我们这些祖国的花骨朵送进学校这
On the second day of school, the burden was finally vigorously launched at our school. First of all, the class on Saturday was cancelled and the students of the school cheered for a while. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. We only had one Saturday, because the school eventually could not bear to leave empty classrooms after we left. So we started all the faculty and staff, from school teachers to canteens, to school canteens, and even to sweeping. The uncle’s interests in the toilet all counted for our loss of school one day. The thoughtfulness of the school eventually moved all staff. For a time, the whole school went up and down. Everyone except students was united, and every effort was made to send us the flowers of our motherland to the school.