目的 探讨对年老体弱高危前列腺增生性排尿困难患者简单有效的治疗方法。方法 采用国产镍钛记忆合金网状支架植入前列腺部尿道内。结果 59例高危前列腺增生性排尿困难患者经植入镍钛记忆合金网状支架后, 38例在5~56个月后得到随访,其中86 5%患者排尿比较满意,尿流率及剩余尿量明显改善。结论 镍钛记忆合金网状支架对治疗前列腺增生症(BPH)是一种有效的措施,特别适用于不能耐受手术或预期寿命不长的尿潴留患者。
Objective To explore a simple and effective treatment for patients with frail and high-risk benign prostatic hyperuricemia. Methods Domestic nickel-titanium memory alloy mesh stent implanted prostate urethra. Results After the implantation of nickel-titanium memory alloy mesh stent in 59 high-risk patients with prostatic hyperuricemia, 38 patients were followed up from 5 to 56 months. Among them, 86 5% patients were satisfied with urination, urinary flow rate and residual urine volume Significant improvement. Conclusion NiTi mesh stents are an effective treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and are especially suitable for patients with urinary retention that can not tolerate surgery or have a short life expectancy.