1991年“五一”节前后,我部发生了一次以临时来队儿童为传染源的成人麻疹小流行,先后8人患病。现将流行情况及经验教训分析如下: 发病经过 1991年4月22日,一位来队的4岁女孩,以“感冒发热2d”就诊。查体发现上身有充血性皮疹,即按“麻疹”隔离治疗,1周后愈。4月30日,炊事班一战士以“发热、流泪、咽痛”等症状就诊,按“上感”处理,给予感冒冲剂和复方新诺明等药。次日,该战士面、颈部出现大片红色斑疹,高热40.2℃,疑为“药物过敏”而送医院诊治。5月2日部队中又有2名战士发热伴皮疹,故考虑为传染病流行,因在医院诊治者口腔中发现科氏斑,遂确诊
Before and after the May Day holiday in 1991, an epidemic of adult measles came from a group of children who came to visit the hospital temporarily. Eight people were sick. Now the prevalence and lessons learned as follows: Morbid After April 22, 1991, a team of 4-year-old girl to “cold fever 2d” treatment. Physical examination revealed a congestive rash, that is press “measles” isolation treatment, 1 week after the more. On April 30, a soldier in a cooking class treated with symptoms such as fever, tearing, sore throat and other symptoms according to the sensation of “feeling”, giving flu capsules and cotrimoxazole and other drugs. The next day, the soldier surface, the neck appeared large red rash, fever 40.2 ℃, suspected “drug allergy ” and sent to hospital for treatment. On May 2, two more warriors were feverish with rashes in the army. Considering the epidemic as an infectious disease, Coronas spot was found in the mouth of the hospital clinician and was diagnosed