栗瘿蜂是危害板栗的主要害虫 ,该虫为害当年栗芽 ,翌年春季受害芽不抽枝或形成短枝 ,在枝条、叶柄、叶脉等部位形成虫瘿 ,消耗树体养分 ,影响植株的营养生长和生殖生长 ,不仅当年无果实 ,也影响次年生长 ,严重者枝条枯死。1 发生规律1 1 年生活史 栗瘿蜂在我地 1年一代 ,以
The chestnut bee is the main pest that endangers the chestnut. The pest infects the chestnut buds in the same year. In the following spring, the damaged buds do not draw or form short branches. The insects are formed in branches, petioles, veins and other parts of the chestnut, which consume tree nutrients and affect plant nutrition Growth and reproductive growth, not only fruitless then, but also affect the growth of the following year, severely dead branches. 1 occurs a rule 1 1 year history of chestnut bee in my field a generation, with