
来源 :军事历史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqanjun
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红军第25军,是红四方面军离开鄂豫皖苏区实行战略转移后建立起来的一支工农武装。它的长征从1934年11月16日开始,到1935年9月15日结束,历时十个月,转战九千里。其间,进行了两次战略性转移,经历了大小战斗上百次,粉碎了国民党军近百个团的围追堵截。为了策应党中央和中央红军长征,西征甘肃,挥师北上,先期到达陕北,与红26、红27军胜利 The 25th Army of the Red Army was an armed worker and peasant established after the Red Fourth Army left the strategic transfer of the Soviet Union, Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces. Its long march began on November 16, 1934 and ended on September 15, 1935, which lasted ten months and shifted to nine thousand miles. In the meantime, they conducted two strategic transfers and went through hundreds of battles of various sizes, smashing the siege of nearly one hundred Kuomintang army troops. In order to respond to the Long March of the Party Central Committee and the Central Red Army, Gansu crossed the West and commanded the north, arrived in northern Shaanxi in advance, and won victory over the Red 26 and Red 27