听觉和视觉是两种完全不同的感受,而它们也确实拥有不同的表现形式:通过好的音乐可以达到美妙的听觉享受,而通过美妙的画面则让我们赏心悦目,视、听两方面也可以完美结合起来实现更多的体验;但作为聆听而言,时间久了就会感觉到单调和乏味,知名音响品牌沙巴深深地懂得这一趋势,一直细心研究及大胆实践,志在推出一款蓝牙音箱将听觉上的享受跟视觉上的美感完美地结合起来。SHABA VS-40是一款极具魅力的立体灯光蓝牙音响,它共有
Aural and visual are two completely different feelings, but they also do have different manifestations: good music can be achieved through good listening enjoyment, and through the wonderful picture is to make us feel good, depending on the two aspects of listening can be perfect Combined to achieve more experience; but as a listening, over time will feel monotonous and boring, well-known audio brand Sabah deeply understand this trend has been carefully studied and bold practice, is determined to launch a Bluetooth Speakers will enjoy the auditory sense of beauty with the perfect combination of visual beauty. SHABA VS-40 is a very attractive stereo stereo Bluetooth audio, it shares