科学使用渔药必须严格遵循国家规定的《无公害食品渔用药物使用准则》,严禁使用国家规定禁止使用的药物或添加剂,预防为主,治疗为辅,这样才能有效地控制鱼病对养殖业带来的危害和影响。第一,要根据实际需要正确地选择渔药的种类.当今的渔药主要分为如下几种:1、清塘类药物,要根据池塘的大小、pH 值、水温及需要杀灭的各种野杂鱼和敌害生物来确定。常用的清塘药物有茶粕、生石灰、漂白粉、三氯异氰酸等。对于底质
Scientific use of fishery drugs must strictly follow the “national guidelines for the use of non-polluting food fishery drugs,” prohibited the use of drugs prohibited by the state regulations or additives, prevention, supplemented by treatment, so as to effectively control the fish farming on the industry Harm and impact. First, according to the actual needs of the right to choose the type of fishery. Today’s fishery is divided into the following categories: 1, clear ponds drugs, according to the pond size, pH, water temperature and the need to kill a variety of Wild trash fish and predatory creature to determine. Commonly used Qing Tong drugs are tea meal, quicklime, bleach, trichloroisocyanuric acid and so on. For the substrate