聚焦发改委系统机关效能建设(四) 改革行政方式 提升机构效能——宁波市进一步深化行政审批制度改革情况

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宁波市作为浙江省行政审批制度改革试点城市,自1999年以来先后进行了以“减少审批、规范程序、加强监管、改善服务”和“转变政府职能、改革行政管理方式、规范审批行为、健全行政监督”为主要内容的两轮审改,行政审批、核准事项从原来的1289项减少到278项,减幅达78.4%。为切实转变政府职能,规范行政行为,提高行政效率,根据贯彻实施《行政许可法》和推进机关效能建设的要求,市委、市政府决定在全市范围开展新一轮的行政审批制度改革。新一轮行政审批制度改革旨在推进行政理念进一步更新,行政管理方式和手段进一步创新,行政审批行为进一步规范,监督机制进一步健全,行政效能进一步提高。 (一)全面清理行政许可(审批)事项。(1)按照行政许可法关于行政许可的设立范围和设定权限,对市本级各部门正在实施的行政许可(审批)事项进行清理,逐项提出处理意见。(2)按照行政许可法 As a pilot city for the reform of administrative examination and approval system in Zhejiang Province, Ningbo City has successively conducted the reform of administrative management and standardization of examination and approval in order to “reduce examination and approval, standardize procedures, strengthen supervision and improve service” and “change government functions” , Improve the administrative supervision "as the main content of the two rounds of reform, administrative examination and approval, approved items from the original 1289 to 278, a decrease of 78.4%. In order to effectively transform the functions of the government, standardize the administrative actions and improve the administrative efficiency, according to the requirements of implementing the Law of Administrative Licensing and promoting the institution's efficiency construction, the municipal party committee and municipal government decided to launch a new round of reform of the administrative examination and approval system across the city. The reform of the new round of administrative examination and approval system aims at further updating the administrative concept, further innovating in the methods and means of administrative management, further standardizing administrative examination and approval, further improving the supervision mechanism and further improving administrative efficiency. (A) a comprehensive clean-up administrative licensing (approval) matters. (1) In accordance with the Administrative Licensing Law regarding the establishment scope and authority of administrative licensing, the administrative licensing (examination and approval) matters being implemented by various departments at the municipal and municipal level are cleared up and opinions are put forward one by one. (2) According to the law of administrative permission
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