联合国确定今年“世界水日”的主题是“未来之水”。2003年我国纪念“世界水日”和开展“中国水周”活动的宣传主题为“依法治水,实现水资源可持续利用”。全人类都在为“未来之水”的可持续利用积极努力。 前不久在日本京都召开的第三届世界水论坛会议上,世界水理事会主席马哈德·阿布-扎伊德在主题发言中说,目前世界水资源危机日益严重,各种与水有关的问题亟待各国政府和人民共同解决。否则,我们的后代将面临一个水源枯竭的星球。他强调,应该在一个统一的框架下进行世界水问题的合作,保护重要生态系统。
The United Nations has set the theme of this year’s “World Water Day” as “the water of the future.” In 2003, China’s propaganda theme of “World Water Day” and the launching of “China Water Week” was “Water Management According to Law and Water Sustainable Utilization.” All human beings are actively working for the sustainable use of Water for the Future. Not long ago at the Third World Water Forum in Kyoto, Japan, the World Water Council Chairman Mahmud Abu-Zeid said in his keynote speech that the current global water crisis is worsening and that various water-related The issue urgently needs to be resolved by all governments and people. Otherwise, our descendants will face a water-depleted planet. He emphasized that the cooperation on world water issues should be carried out in a unified framework to protect key ecosystems.