近年来,广大统计工作者克服重重困难,圆满完成各项统计任务,为统计事业的发展和社会经济的进步作出了巨大贡献,但随着市场经济体制的逐步建立和完善,社会经济现象日益复杂,县级统计工作面临的新问题和新的困难日益增多,矛盾日趋突出。主要表现在: 一是统计制度上的缺失。
In recent years, the majority of statisticians have overcome numerous difficulties and successfully completed various statistical tasks, making great contributions to the development of statistical undertakings and social and economic progress. However, with the gradual establishment and improvement of the market economic system, the socio-economic phenomena have become increasingly complicated The new problems and new difficulties confronting county-level statistical work are increasing day by day. Contradictions have become increasingly prominent. Mainly in: First, the lack of statistical system.