
来源 :中华人民共和国最高人民检察院公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yulie2
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全国人大常委会:今年以来,全国检察机关在坚决打击严重刑事犯罪和重点打击贪污、受贿犯罪的同时,积极查处侵犯公民民主权利、人身权利以及渎职犯罪案件,取得了新的进展。现将主要情况报告如下:一、办案情况1.依法查处了一大批侵犯公民民主权利、人身权利和渎职犯罪案件。今年上半年,全国检察机关共受理这类案件21,838件,立案侦查5,719件,其中,侵犯公民民主权利、人身权利的刑讯逼供、非法拘禁、报复陷害等案件共2,146件;玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、私 NPC Standing Committee: Since the beginning of this year, the procuratorial organs across the country have made new progress in resolutely cracking down serious criminal offenses and focusing on crimes against corruption and bribery while actively investigating and prosecuting cases of encroaching upon citizens’ democratic rights, personal rights and dereliction of duty. The main report is as follows: I. Case Handling 1. A large number of cases of violation of the democratic rights of citizens, personal rights and dereliction of duty cases were investigated and dealt with according to law. In the first half of this year, procuratorial organs nationwide handled 21,838 such cases and filed 5,719 cases for investigation and prosecution. Among them, 2,146 cases of torture, illegal detention and retaliation violated the democratic and civil rights of citizens, neglecting their duties and favoritism, private
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被告人夏清山,男,40岁,农民。 1992年11月6日浙江省丽水市峰源乡发生一起故意杀人案。案发后,被告人夏晓东、叶碎儿为了让另一被告人夏清山照顾好他们的家庭,便隐瞒了夏清山
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1.孩子们昨天在公园里玩得很愉快。The kids had fun playing in the park yesterday.The kidshad a good time in the park yesterday. The children played happily in th