The spin-polarized band structures of an ultrathin Pb/MoTe2/Pb heterostructure are calculated via first-principles den-sity functional theory. The electron–phonon interaction and the superconducting properties of the ultrathin Pb/MoTe2/Pb heterostructure are studied by using the fully anisotropic Migdal–Eliashberg theory powered by Wannier–Fourier inter-polation. Due to the complex Fermi surface in this low-dimensional system, the electron–phonon interaction and the superconducting gap display significant anisotropy. The temperature dependence of the superconducting gap can be fitted by solving numerically the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer (BCS) gap equation with an adjustable parameterα, suggesting that phonon-mediated mechanism as its superconducting origin. Large Rashba spin-splitting and superconductivity coexist in this heterostructure, suggesting that this hybrid low-dimensional system will have some specific applications.