2001年7月10日,某乡镇集团公司六分厂蒽醌1-磺酸钠盐中试溶解釜岗位,因釜内搪瓷脱落,发生一起进釜修补掂瓷和救人引起急性硫化氢中毒,造成2人死亡的重大事故。患者均为男性,年龄28~48岁,既往无中毒史。现将调查情况报告如下。1 事故发生经过 某乡镇集团六分厂蒽醌1-磺酸钠盐中试车间的溶解釜是高2.7m、宽2m的圆柱形反应釜。当日上午8时30分发现釜内层有搪瓷脱落现象,需要进行搪瓷修补,车间工人蒋某在未正常办理进罐作业手续的情况在同班操作工张某的配合和现场监
July 10, 2001, a township branch of anthraquinone 1-sulfonic acid sodium salt plant six pilot dissolution station, because the kettle within the enamel shed, into a pot together with porcelain repair and rescue caused by acute hydrogen sulfide poisoning, Two people were killed in a major accident. Patients were male, aged 28 to 48 years old, no previous history of poisoning. Now the investigation report as follows. 1 accident occurred after a township group six branch anthraquinone 1-sulfonate sodium salt pilot plant dissolution reactor is 2.7m high, 2m wide cylindrical reactor. At 8:30 on the same day found that the kettle inner enamel shedding phenomenon, the need for enamel repair, workshop workers Jiangmou not in the normal operation of the canning procedures in the class with the operator Zhang and on-site monitoring