在意大利当地时间2月5日,米兰华埠举办了庆鸡年春节“舞龙舞狮”大巡游。下午2点活动在米兰“Piazza Gramsci”广场冒雨拉开帷幕,三条金龙和一对狮子同时腾飞起舞。米兰侨界打破惯例,首次同时请了“三条金龙”在同一地点向广大侨胞和意大利民众表演,还特地从udene请来了“武术表演队”大显身手,零距离向大家展示真正少林功夫“刀、枪、棍、棒,还有太极剑。之后沿街巡游舞龙舞狮,有腰鼓队、旗袍秀等20个方队参加了巡游游活动,服饰亮丽,令
In Italy on February 5 local time, Chinatown held a celebration of Chinese New Year Spring Festival ”dragon and lion “ parade. The 2 pm event kicked off in the Piazza Gramsci square in Milan, where three golden dragons and a pair of lions danced at the same time. Milan Overseas Chinese break the routine, for the first time also invited ”Three Golden Dragon “ in the same place to the vast number of overseas Chinese and Italian people performing, but also specially invited from udene ”martial arts team “ to show their talents to show you the real Shaolin Kung fu ”knives, guns, sticks, sticks, and Tai Chi Swords. After the parade of dragon and lion dance along the streets, there were 20 side teams including the waist drum team and cheongsam show participating in the parade and the costumes were so beautiful that