美国能源部太平洋西北国家实验室研制了一种虚拟现实的雷达摄像机 ,使地面工作人员能在F - 17起飞前检查其隐形能力 ,帮助工作人员检测飞机的雷达反射情况并排除隐患。而在此之前 ,机械师们只能凭视觉和其它方法检查飞机 ,不能确保它的隐形能力是否处于正常工作状态。这种全息
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of the US Department of Energy has developed a virtual reality radar camera that enables ground crews to check their invisibility before the F - 17 takeoff and help staff detect radar reflections and eliminate hazards. Prior to this, mechanics can only check the aircraft visually and by other means, and can not ensure that its invisibility is in normal working order. This hologram