1995年8月22日,北京郊区。新闻单位集体采访首届中国警界女十杰现场。 辛彩霞是第四个发言的。她身材纤巧,面孔白皙,齐耳的短发透着麻利,说话也是嘎嘣脆。 37岁的辛彩霞是位蒙古族女性,任职在河北省围场满族蒙古族自治县公安局,那里是著名的木兰围场,当年清朝皇帝秋狩射猎的地方。 12年前,辛彩霞结束了知青生活,调入公安局工作,先干刑警,摸爬滚打5年后,上级任命她担任公安局预审股股长。 这里没有硝烟,却充满着刀光剑影;既要揭露犯罪,惩治邪恶,又要洗冤辨诬,挽救失足。这个担子压在一个弱女子肩上,不轻。
August 22, 1995, Beijing suburbs. The media unit interviewed the first Chinese female Jieshijie police scene. Xin Caixia is the fourth speaker. Her body is slim, her face is white, her hair is full of short hair and her tongue is crispy. Xin Caixia, 37, is a Mongolian female serving in the Public Security Bureau of Manchu and Mongolian Autonomous County People’s Arrays in Hebei Province, where the famous Mulan Yard was located. 12 years ago, Xin Caixia ended educated youth life, transferred to the work of the Public Security Bureau, the first to do Interpol, fought five years later, the higher authorities appointed her as Public Security Bureau pre-trial unit chief. There is no smoke here, but it is full of swordsmanship; it is necessary to expose the crime, punish the evil, but also righteousness and discrimination, to save the fatigues. The burden on a weak woman’s shoulder, not light.