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全国人大常委会副委员长、民进中央主席许嘉璐率领民进中央考察团于7月8日至16日赴新疆乌鲁木齐市、和田地区、喀什地区、克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州等地就民族地区经济社会发展问题进行深入调研。许嘉璐副委员长在调研中指出,民族地区的经济社会发展直接关系到国家2020年全面建设小康社会目标的顺利实现,应从国家宏观战略和政策的层面进行思考。中共中央政治局委员、新疆维吾尔自治区党委书记王乐泉先后两次与考察团交换意见。随同许嘉璐主席考察的有全国人大常委、民进中央副主席王立平,国家民委副主任周明甫。区人大副主任达列力汗·马米汗全程陪同考察。 Xu Jialu, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, led the delegation to the Central Government from going to the Urumqi, Hetian, Kashgar, Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Prefecture and other places on the ethnic regional economy from July 8 to 16. Social development issues in-depth investigation. Vice-chairman Xu Jialu pointed out in the survey that the economic and social development in ethnic regions directly relates to the smooth realization of the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way in 2020 and should be considered from the perspective of the state’s macroeconomic strategies and policies. Wang Lequan, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and party secretary of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, exchanged views twice with the delegation. Along with Xu Jialu, the chairman inspected were Wang Liping, member of the NPC Standing Committee and vice chairman of the Central Committee of the National People’s Government, and Zhou Mingfu, deputy director of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission. District People’s Congress deputy director Da Lie Khan Mami Khan accompanied the inspection.
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截至2013年7月22日,宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司研制的全球首台3 000马力五缸泥浆泵,在塔里木油田山前地区累计作业超过450h。其作业能力强、可靠性高、传动效率高、运行平稳等
景物描写在古典诗词中的精彩表现,很值得我们在赏析中学习。在此,笔者遴选了一些中学生熟知的诗词名作,并从中分析、归纳出六条常用写景技巧,希望能从古典诗词这一视角,在 S