
来源 :湖北档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dark_hu
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5月8日下午,松滋市市长谢思芳,市委常委、常务副市长肖元芳,市委常委、组织部长邓应军,副市长梅德芳,市政府办公室主任邹尽颜一行5人亲临市档案局现场办公,并视察了档案馆库房、爱国主义教育基地和刚刚启动的现行文件服务中心。 谢思芳市长在听取了市档案局局长杨继梅的专题汇报后,对市档案局的工作给予了充分肯定,并对今后的工作提出了指导性意见:一是档案局领导班子不健全问题,请组织部门给予考虑;二是档案馆安装密集架经费问题,由市政府给予倾斜,每 On the afternoon of May 8, Mayor Xie Si Fang, mayor of Songzi City, Xiao Yuanfang, member of standing committee and standing deputy mayor of Municipal Party Committee, Deng Yingjun, member of the Municipal Standing Committee, and Mayfair, deputy mayor, and Zou Jinyan, director of the municipal government office, personally visited the Municipal Archives Office And inspected the archives warehouse, patriotism education base and the just-started existing document service center. After hearing the special report by Yang Jimei, director of the Municipal Bureau of Archives, Mayor Xie Si Fang fully affirmed the work of the Municipal Archives Bureau and put forward guiding opinions on the future work: First, the leadership of Archives Bureau does not sound a problem and asked the organization Departments to give consideration; the second is the installation of shelves archives funding problems, given by the municipal government tilt, each
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活用一次方程或一次方程组的解可巧妙解题 ,现略举几例 ,供同学们学习时参考 .例 1 已知关于 x、y 的方程组3x - 4y=- 6 ,ax + 2 by=- 4和 3bx+ 2 ay=0 ,2 x- y=1有相同的解
湖北省档案学会: 欣闻湖北省档案学会第五次会员代表大会胜利召开,这是全省档案系统群英荟萃的一次盛会。我谨代表省政府向大会表示热烈的祝贺!向各位代表致以亲切的问候! 档
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万老师: 您好! 这期开学,我就是初中一年二期的学生了,记得上学期刚刚升入初中,走入一个新的环境,却令人恼火地遇上了一些我很不理解,很不适应的事情,有几个老师特别让我反
湖北省西部的神农架山脉,一向以神奇、奥秘、幽深、荒僻著称。自从那里不断发现野人的踪迹以来,更引起了人们的极大兴趣。 The Shennongjia Mountains in the western part