相传,乾隆皇帝酷爱吸旱烟,闲暇时常吞云吐雾。即使上朝议政,他也要太监携烟具侍候。 一日晨起时,乾隆忽觉喉头奇痒难奈,忍不住一阵剧烈咳嗽,直咳得声音嘶哑、头晕目眩。 皇后见状,急忙上前为皇帝轻捶后背,然而无济于事,咳嗽愈加厉害。皇后恐有不测,急令太监直奔太
According to legend, Qianlong emperor love smoking cramps, spare time often puff. He even asked eunuchs to bring smoking sets to serve even when he came to power. On the morning of the 1st, Qianlong suddenly felt itchy throat difficult, could not help while a violent cough, straight cough hoarseness, dizzy. Upon seeing the queen, hurriedly stepped forward for the emperor light hammer back, but no avail, cough more powerful. Empress unexpected, emergency eunuchs straight to too