Diabetic nephropathy in Africa:A systematic review

来源 :World Journal of Diabetes | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cryloves
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AIM:To determine the prevalence and incidence of diabetic nephropathy in Africa.METHODS:We performed a systematic narrative review of published literature following the MOOSE Guidelines for Meta-Analysis and Systematic Reviewsof Observational Studies.We searched Pub MedMEDLINE for all articles published in English and French languages between January 1994 and July 2014 using a predefined strategy based on the combination of relevant terms and the names of each of the 54 African countries and African sub-regions to capture the largest number of studies,and hand-searched the reference lists of retrieved articles.Included studies reported on the prevalence,incidence or determinants of chronic kidney disease(CKD) in people with diabetes within African countries.RESULTS:Overall,we included 32 studies from 16 countries;two being population-based studies and the remaining being clinic-based surveys.Most of the studies(90.6%) were conducted in urban settings.Methods for assessing and classifying CKD varied widely.Measurement of urine protein was the most common method of assessing kidney damage(62.5% of studies).The overall prevalence of CKD varied from 11% to 83.7%.Incident event rates were 94.9% for proteinuria at 10 years of follow-up,34.7% for endstage renal disease at 5 years of follow-up and 18.4% for mortality from nephropathy at 20 years of followup.Duration of diabetes,blood pressure,advancing age,obesity and glucose control were the common determinants of kidney disease.CONCLUSION:The burden of CKD is important among people with diabetes in Africa.High quality data from large population-based studies with validated measures of kidney function are still needed to better capture the magnitude and characteristics of diabetic nephropathy in Africa. AIM: To determine the prevalence and incidence of diabetic nephropathy in Africa. METHODS: We performed a systematic narrative review of published literature following the MOOSE Guidelines for Meta-Analysis and Systematic Reviews of Observational Studies. We searched PubMedMEDLINE for all articles published in English and French languages ​​between January 1994 and July 2014 using a predefined strategy based on the combination of relevant terms and the names of each of the 54 African countries and African sub-regions to capture the largest number of studies, and hand-searched the reference lists of retrieved articles. These studies reported the prevalence, incidence or determinants of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in people with diabetes within African countries .RESULTS: Overall, we included 32 studies from 16 countries; two being population-based studies and the remaining being clinic-based surveys. Most of the studies (90.6%) were conducted in urban settings. Methods for assessing and classifyi ng CKD varied widely. Measurement of urine protein was the most common method of assessing kidney damage (62.5% of studies). The overall prevalence of CKD varied from 11% to 83.7%. Incident event rates were 94.9% for proteinuria at 10 years of follow-up, 34.7% for endstage renal disease at 5 years of follow-up and 18.4% for mortality from nephropathy at 20 years of followup. Duration of diabetes, blood pressure, advancing age, obesity and glucose control were the common determinants of kidney disease. CONCLUSION: The burden of CKD is important among people with diabetes in Africa. High quality data from large population-based studies with validated measures of kidney function are still needed to better capture the magnitude and characteristics of diabetic nephropathy in Africa.
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