豆芫菁(Epicauta gorhami Marseul)属鞘翅目芫菁科,是我国南方各省发生普遍的害虫,在四川有的地方称此虫为鸡公虫或苋菜虫(因为害苋菜),其成虫主要食害大豆、豇豆、菜豆等豆科作物叶片和花瓣,据报导尚可为害甜菜、雍莱、甘薯、棉、茄、桑、稻、麻等作物,但未见报导为害榿木(Alnus cremastogyne Burk)。作者于1959年6月上旬在四川简阳曾在红塔耕区节约大队的沟边上发现大量的豆芫菁成虫,群集于榿木上为害叶片,受害榿木倾食一光,呈现枯黄,当时曾对此
Epicauta gorhami Marseul genus Coleoptera is a common pest in various provinces of southern China, in some places in Sichuan, said the worm as chickens or amaranth (because of amaranth), its adult main food-eating soybean , Cowpeas, beans and other leguminous crops such as leaves and petals, reportedly harmful to sugar beet, Yong Lai, sweet potato, cotton, eggplant, mulberry, rice, hemp and other crops, but no reported Alnus cremastogyne Burk. The author in early June 1959 in Jianyang, Sichuan Province, Hongtong farming area in the brigade ditch edge found on a large number of bean melon Jing adults, clustered in Alnus Moriba leaves, harvested alzheimer slaughtered a light, showing yellow, when Zeng This