日常生活中存在的一些理财误区,会使我们在理财时盲目乐观,进而影响到我们对家庭财产的判断。 固定资产是要折旧的,这一点看起来很简单,可真正做到的人并不多。譬如花3000元买了一台彩电,预期使用寿命是10年,那么它每年的折旧费就是300元,而这300元折旧费,应当和日常开销一起,共同算做家庭开销成本。 实际上,家庭固定资产包括的东西相当多,除了家具、家电外,还包括房产(必须有所有权)和装修。一套房屋装修的成本很高,刚装修好时样子很不错,可随着
Some financial misunderstandings in our daily lives will make us blindly optimistic in our financial management, which in turn will affect our judgment on family property. Fixed assets are to be depreciated, it seems simple, not many people can really do. For example, spending 3,000 yuan to buy a color TV set, the expected life expectancy is 10 years, then its annual depreciation fee is 300 yuan, while the 300 yuan depreciation charges should be together with the daily expenses, together as the family expenses. In fact, there are quite a few things that a home’s fixed assets include, in addition to furniture and appliances, real estate (which must have ownership) and decoration. The cost of a house decoration is very high, just look good when renovated, with