颱風對航海的影響 颱風是一种非常强烈的熱帶風暴,愈靠近它的中心氣壓愈低,風速也愈强。在它的中心附近有着濕熱的强烈的上昇氣流,所以在颱風中心500公里的范围内發生猛烈的暴風雨。當颱風中心從海上通過的時候,因为颱風區域裏的風力很大,所以在它的勢力範圍里會發生很大的風浪。對於海上航行的船舶發生很大的影響,使船舶難以航行,甚至發生顛覆的危險。 風力的大小,按照風時(風所吹的時間)的長短和產浪區的寬度來
Impact of typhoon on navigation Typhoon is a very strong tropical storm. The lower the pressure near the center of the typhoon, the stronger the wind speed. There is a strong updraft of hot and humid near its center, so violent storms occur within 500 kilometers of the center of the typhoon. When the typhoon center passes through the sea, because of the large wind in the typhoon area, there will be great waves in its sphere of influence. There is a great impact on ships sailing on the sea, making it difficult for ships to sail and even the danger of subversion. The size of the wind depends on the length of the wind (the time the wind blows) and the width of the wave producing area.