温室大棚为了达到补施二氧化碳的最佳效果,生产中应注意以下几个问题: 1.确定最佳的补充时机 苗期是补充二氧化碳较佳的时期,此阶段补充有利于培育壮苗,缩短苗龄,加速幼苗发育,提早果菜类蔬菜花芽分化,对提高早期产量十分明显。对于果菜类蔬菜,如黄瓜、番茄等,从定植到开花,植株生长缓慢,二氧化碳需求量少,一般不用补充二氧化碳,只要适当控制营养生长,加强整枝摘叶,防植株徒长即可。开花期至果实膨大期开始连续(除阴、雨、雪天气外)补施二氧化碳20~30天效果最佳,对提高早期产量和产品的商品性具有明显作用。另外,一天当中,补充二氧化碳最佳时间应在清晨棚室见光0.5~1.5小时(具体时间长短受蔬菜的种类、生长期、棚室内的气温、光强等因素影响)后立即进行,以使设施内维持较高的二氧化碳水平。中午前后棚室设施内气温升高,光合作用增强,蔬菜易出现“碳饥饿”现象,因此需及时补充二氧化碳。
Greenhouse greenhouse in order to achieve the best effect of replenishment of carbon dioxide, production should pay attention to the following questions: 1. To determine the best timing of supplementation is to supplement the stage of carbon dioxide is better, this stage is conducive to nurturing strong seedlings, shortening seedlings Age, accelerate seedling development, early flower and vegetable vegetables fruit and vegetable differentiation, to improve the early yield is very obvious. For fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, from planting to flowering, plant growth is slow, less demand for carbon dioxide, generally do not have to add carbon dioxide, as long as the appropriate control of vegetative growth, strengthen the pruning of pick leaves, anti plant growth can be. From flowering to fruit enlargement, continuous (except overcast, rain and snowy weather) supplementation of carbon dioxide for 20 ~ 30 days will have the best effect and will have an obvious effect on improving early yield and commercial product. In addition, one day, the best time to add carbon dioxide should be seen in the early morning light shed 0.5 to 1.5 hours (the specific length of time by the type of vegetables, growing season, greenhouse temperature, light intensity and other factors) to immediately The facility maintains a high level of carbon dioxide. Before and after noon around the greenhouse temperature, photosynthesis increased vegetables prone to “carbon starvation” phenomenon, so the need for timely replacement of carbon dioxide.