豫皖交界的白大山地区,沉积一套浅变质碎屑岩夹碳酸盐岩组合,以往被划归青白口系刘老碑组。笔者首次于该套地层灰岩段中发现牙形刺化石,岩石虽受区域性变质作用,但牙形刺Belodina compressa,Panderodus gracilis,Pseudobelodina dispansa?保存完好,时代为晚奥陶世,本区牙形刺的发现为白大山群的地质时代归属提供了重要证据。
Wan Dabashan junction area, the deposition of a set of shallow metamorphic clastic rock carbonate assemblage, in the past was assigned to Liu Laoting Qingbaikou group. For the first time, the author found conodont fossils in limestones of this set of strata. Although the rocks are subject to regional metamorphism, the Belodina compressa, Panderodus gracilis and Pseudobelodina dispansa? The discovery of the spines provides important evidence for the attribution of the geologic age of the Baishan Mountain Group.