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1、起苗护根。保护根系特别是颈根和侧根,是提高幼苗定植成活率的关键。在起苗时,苗床必须先淋透水,特别是粘性较重的土壤更应如此,否则将会弄断须根及侧根。2、蘸泥浆保湿。起苗后将根上所有泥土抖掉,然后将幼苗全部根系放入事先准备好的黄泥浆或粘性重的泥浆中,根系越少越要多蘸泥浆,这样方可较长时间保持根系湿润,不致干枯。 1, Miao Miao root. Protecting the root system, especially the neck and lateral roots, is the key to improve the survival rate of seedlings. In seedling, seedbed must be drained, especially in the more viscous soil should be so, otherwise it will break the fibrous roots and lateral roots. 2, dipped in mud moisturizing. After the seedling will shake off all the roots of the roots, and then all the roots of seedlings into the preparation of the yellow mud or viscous heavy mud, the more the root system to dip more mud, so as to keep the roots moist for a long time, not Dry.
有关专家提醒广大果农,发展油桃应注意以下5点: 一、气候条件要适宜油桃对气候条件的要求不太严格,一般来说,只要有桃树栽培的地区均可栽培。通常生长期平均气温在10~18℃,平
据《北京晚报》报道俄罗斯年轻歌手Lena日前来到北京一家录音棚,录制了毛阿敏演唱过的中文歌曲《百分之五十的思念》。据把Lena“引进”到中国的 According to the Beijing