
来源 :中华中医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuhuafenghao
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目的:探讨健脾理气颗粒5条不同提取工艺路线对H22肝癌小鼠的抑瘤作用,旨在选择最佳提取工艺路线。方法:按5条不同提取工艺路线制备提取物,用蒸馏水配成相应浓度的混悬液;采用细胞接种的方法建立H22肝癌小鼠动物模型,将接种后的小鼠随机分成3组:试验组(按5条不同提取工艺路线分5小组,每小组10例)、空白对照组(15例)和阳性对照组(10例)。检测5条不同提取工艺路线的提取物对H22肝癌小鼠肿瘤抑制的影响。结果:5条不同提取工艺路线提取物的得率分别为工艺路线①35.5%,工艺路线②36.4%,工艺路线③23.5%,工艺路线④31.5%,工艺路线⑤17.9%;对H22肝癌小鼠的抑瘤率分别为工艺路线①22%(P<0.05),工艺路线②31.64%(P<0.01),工艺路线③30.77%(P<0.01),工艺路线④50.32%(P<0.01),工艺路线⑤14.68%;工艺路线②高、中、低剂量组的抑瘤率分别为29.54%(P<0.01),21.43%(P<0.01),4.06%;工艺路线④高、中、低剂量组的抑瘤率分别为41.17%(P<0.01),35.74%(P<0.01),18.23%(P<0.05)。结论:工艺路线④提取物对H22肝癌小鼠的抑瘤率最高,为41.17%-50.32%(P<0.01),由此确定工艺路线④为健脾理气颗粒的最佳提取工艺。 Objective: To investigate the anti-tumor effect of 5 different extraction routes of Jianpi Liqi Granules on H22 hepatoma mice, aiming to select the best extraction route. Methods: The extracts were prepared according to five different extraction routes and dosed with distilled water to prepare the suspension of H22 hepatoma mice. The mice were randomly divided into three groups: experimental group (Divided into 5 groups according to 5 different extraction routes, 10 in each group), blank control group (15 cases) and positive control group (10 cases). The effects of five extracts of different extraction routes on tumor inhibition in H22 hepatoma mice were detected. Results: The yield of five different extraction routes were 35.5% of the route, 36.4% of the route, 23.5% of the route, 31.5% of the route and 17.9% of the route of the route. The inhibitory rate of H22 hepatoma mice was22% (P <0.05), the route of treatment was31.64% (P <0.01), the route of treatment was30.77% (P <0.01), the route of treatment was50.32 % (P <0.01), and the technical route was ⑤14.68%. The inhibitory rates of high, medium and low dose of the route of treatment were 29.54% (P <0.01), 21.43% Route ④ The inhibition rates of high, middle and low dose groups were 41.17% (P <0.01), 35.74% (P <0.01) and 18.23% (P <0.05) respectively. CONCLUSION: The extract of route (4) has the highest inhibitory rate against H22 hepatoma mice (41.17% -50.32%, P <0.01), and the optimal extraction process of Jianpi Liqi granules is determined.
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