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硼酸甘油是五官科常用药物之一,药典載有詳細制法。笔者根据卫生所的条件,拟出一个簡易制法,經数次試用,效果良好。制法: 1.于鏈霉素空瓶中装入甘油10克,以此为标准,将其它已洗净的鏈霉素小瓶均用皮肤鉛笔在10克处划痕作記,备用。 Borate glycerol is one of the commonly used drugs ENT, Pharmacopoeia contains a detailed system of law. According to the conditions of the clinic, the author draw up a simple system of law. After several trials, the effect is good. System of law: 1. Streptomycin empty bottles filled with glycerol 10 grams, as a standard, the other streptomycin vials were washed with a pencil in 10 grams at the scratch marks, spare.